How I have relaunched my website?

Mayurkumar Patel
3 min readSep 25, 2020


This is a story about how I lost my website domain, what was happened with it and how I have relaunched my website.

I had my website on I had put all my blogs and other free resources to download on this domain. I have done good SEO on my site and as a result, I was able to receive on an average 7–10k visits every month. Most of the visits were direct from Google. I was happy with that and was getting enough opportunities to work with those users. But, last year, I lost my domain. I got some notifications from Godaddy to renew my domain but, it was totally missed and I lost my domain. It was bought by some Russian guy(most probably Russian Hacker). He/she had put a pornography website on my domain.

Oh, no… That was a terrible experience. Anyone searching for “Ruby on Rails engineer” or “Hire Ruby on Rails expert” or “How to setup rails on ubuntu server” might getting my website as Google search. When they land on my website and what they have witnessed is: A pornography website!!! I was not aware of such thing happened with my domain after I have lost it. I came to know this from one of my friends. I got a call from him and he joked me that “you got an interesting job. I want to join your company…”. Wait a minute, what?? I was not able to get him at that point but when he explained the whole story, I was shocked. How many my other users had the same thought as my friend had and out of them, how many were actually convinced that I have really changed my job and joined the pornography industry. These thoughts made me laughed and worried at the same time. I quickly removed all the references for my website from other platforms. I have also removed references from my previous articles. That was a very tough task. It took a week time to complete all of them. Google had also reindexed the domain. With all these efforts, my domain was not coming into search results any more and I was somewhat relaxed. That was how I lost my domain.

I liked my domain so much that, I waited for another a year time. As soon as it was available to buy on Godaddy, I bought it. I got help from my designer friends and they have redesigned my whole site. Still, it doesn’t have all the sections as previously I had. For example, I am using Medium as my blog site for now. I have also made a few other changes. I am planning to write about them in a separate article. And, this is how I relaunched my website.

I am very much thankful to the anonymous people from the internet whom I don’t know personally but, helped me to identify the issue with my domain by email and other mediums.

Here is my domain: Please visit it.

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About Author

Mayurkumar is helping companies to take the stress out of software development and make their business shine. He has more than eight years of experience in designing and building scalable applications using different technologies.

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Mayurkumar Patel

helping companies to take the stress out of software development and make their business shine.